Follow AlongKeep The Jewelry, Not The Box
Let’s talk about jewelry boxes. You know the ones. The fancy little satin or leather or velvet cushiony ones with the hinge opening? They are so cute. The robin’s egg blue ones can cause heart palpitations. Because of the hinge, it takes some strength to open them,...
Factors Which Determine Gemstone Pricing
$75.00 to $7.5 million? Why is there such a huge price range in precious stones? That question contains an incorrect term, so I’ll clear that up first. The old term “precious stones” is no longer used. Now, something is either a “colored gemstone,” i.e., a gemstone...
The Difference Between Art and Craft
My own definitions of the terms, art and craft, are quite simple. Art is an expression of something deep and meaningful to the artist that seeks expression in some sort of sensory and experiential way, i.e., sight, touch, taste, sound, and is meant to evoke in its...